Reports and Data Analysis


Course Overview

Surgery Connect provides intuitive management reporting tools to help manage call volumes and better understand demand.

This course will walk you through everything you need to know about Reports and Data Analysis. It will help you to report on call traffic to maintain the highest level of service, improve answer times and manage call routing to minimise queue times and reduce missed calls. 


Call Volumes Illustration

Improved patient experience

Positive Patient Experience Illustration
Reporting illustration

By completing this eLearning you will learn:

  • All about the aim and purpose of the Reports Portal
  • The terminology we use throughout the Reports Portal
  • How to access the Reports Portal
  • The data set available in the Monthly Management Report
  • How to interpret the standard reports in the Reports Portal
  • How to extract the call data for further analysis and interrogation 

You will receive your certificate after completing all of the lessons and passing the end-of-course assessment.

Introducing Reports and Data Analysis

Surgery Connect provides intuitive management reporting tools to help manage call volumes and better understand demand.


Introduction to Surgery Connect Reporting

The Surgery Connect Reports Portal

The Reports Portal is an online tool providing you with detailed reports you can use to evaluate your data across your Surgery Connect Service.


An Introduction to the Reports Portal GP Contract Reporting Accessing the Reports Portal Group Reports Call Reports User Reports SMS Reports

Monthly Management Reports

The Monthly Management Report is sent out at the beginning of each month and contains the X-on newsletter and an overview of the previous monthโ€™s call and personnel data.


Monthly Management Report Introduction Accessing the Monthly Management Report Monthly Management Report Content

Analysing your Call Data from the User Console

Learn how you can export and manipulate detailed call data from the User Console


Filtering and Exporting Call Data Accessing Your Call Data
Course Assessment Summary and Resources

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows users to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analogue) phone line.

General Terms

Inbound callAn inbound call is a call made into the surgery on one of your inbound telephone numbers
Outbound callAn outbound call is a call made from the surgeryโ€™s service (external calls only)
Queued callA queued call are those that joined a Group queue and started the queueing process to speak to one of your staff
Missed callMissed calls are calls that could have been answered by a staff member because it either targeted a user directly or joined a queue for a distribution group. A call does not have to make it to the front of a queue to count as missed, it purely has to join the queue
Abandoned callAbandoned calls are calls that your staff had no chance of answering as they either did not target a user directly or did not enter a queue for a group of users. Situations where this could be the case are when the caller rings in whilst the practice is closed, or the caller does not respond to a menu and hangs up before making a choice
CLIThe CLI is the number displayed in the call ID to the recipient of that call This may be withheld or a telephone number. It also relates to the callers number when they ring into the Surgery Connect service.
Average call durationThis is an average length of a call - Active time on an answered call - this does not include any queue time
Total call durationThis is the actual length of a call including all of the call flow, queueing, talk or hold time that may have occurred
Maximum call concurrencyThis is how many individual calls are happening at the same time

Group/queue terms

Queued for groupThe total number of calls that queued for that group
Answered from queueThe number of calls in the queue that were answered
% answered from queueThe percentage of calls answered from the queue
Missed from queueThis is the total number of calls that joined the queue but did not get answered
% missed from queueThe percentage of calls missed from the queue
Missed from queue under 10 secondsThese are the calls that joined the queue but the caller hung up before 10 seconds of queueing had occurred. These may not want to be considered when assessing call answering efficiency as there was little chance of your staff answering these calls due to the caller hanging up so quickly
Queue durationThe length of time the caller spent in the queue

Patient Callback terms

Calls when patient callback activeThis is the total number of inbound calls whilst patient callback was offered
Calls handled by patient callbackThis is the number of calls that chose the patient callback option
Callbacks madeThis is the number of callback calls made
Callbacks acceptedThis is the number of callback calls that were answered and accepted by the patients
Callbacks rejectedThis is the number of callback calls that were unanswered or cancelled by the patients
Queue timeoutThis is where a maximum queue time has been set on the service and the time in that queue is reached
Caller rang back inThis is where a caller has selected a callback but has rung in and rejoined the queue before they have received a callback from the surgery
Caller rang back in - rejoined queueThis where a caller has selected a callback but has rung in and rejoined the queue before they have received a callback from the surgery
Caller rang back in - hung upThis is where a caller has called in again and hung up
Caller rang back in - cancelledThis is where a caller has a callback booked but has rung in and cancelled that callback when given the option
Time in virtual queueThis is the amount of time the callers would have spent in the queue if they had not selected a callback
Report Column NameExplanation
Hour/DayThe report can be by hour, or by day
Calls When Patient Callback ActivePatient Callback only becomes active when your parameters are met - this tells you how many calls you received overall when those parameters were met
Calls Handled by Patient CallbackPatient Callbacks requested (in that hour/day)
Callbacks MadePatient Callbacks made (in that hour/day)
Callbacks AcceptedSuccessful callbacks (in that hour/day)
Callbacks RejectedCallback rejected
Callback Attempts ExceededCalllback where the attempts were exceeded - not answered
Queue TimeoutWhere any max queue duration settings are met
Callback ResetCallback cancelled due to closure times
Caller Rang Back InCaller rang back in before callback attempted
Caller Rang Back in - Rejoined QueueCaller rang back in before callback attempted and re-joined the queue
Caller Rang Back in - Hung UpCaller rang back in before callback attempted and hung up (stayed in callback queue)
Caller Rang Back in - CancelledCaller rang back in before callback attempted and cancelled the callback request
Total time in virtual queueTotal time all calls in that hour/day were in the virtual queue
Avg time in virtual queueAverage time each call in that hour/day was in the virtual queue
Total Time in real queueIf someone rings back in and rejoins the โ€œrealโ€ queue this would be reflected here.
Avg time in real queueIf someone rings back in and rejoins the โ€œrealโ€ queue this would be reflected here.